Breadth Something


  1. This is marvelous! So fun and full of life! I love the pose, the colors and your treatment of the background!
    Proportions look good too!

    Class Critique Recap:
    Make the glowsticks cast colored reflections on the clothing more. Make the shadows merge. Background has a halo, might go darker around the figure and maybe fade a few of the background spots by making it all slightly darker. (not too much though, its really nice with the lines)
    Reflection lines on the glasses with the electric eraser.
    Erase the two black lines on cheek and upper lip.

  2. This is marvelous! So fun and full of life! I love the pose, the colors and your treatment of the background!
    Proportions look good too!

    Class Critique Recap:
    Make the glowsticks cast colored reflections on the clothing more. Make the shadows merge. Background has a halo, might go darker around the figure and maybe fade a few of the background spots by making it all slightly darker. (not too much though, its really nice with the lines)
    Reflection lines on the glasses with the electric eraser.
    Erase the two black lines on cheek and upper lip.
