Lucy meets the wind

1 comment:

  1. Composition(20pts): 18 Hints at a foreground, middle, background

    Contrast (20pts): 18 Its a pretty subtle piece so far

    Center of Interest(20pts): 20 Good placement

    Craftsmanship (20pts): 10 -The eye either needs to be drawn or covered up more believably. Upload the new one for a higher grade.
    I love the technique of the masking fluid and her features, hand, etc., are drawn well.

    Creativity (10pts): 8 I think this is good but still not yet clear what you are going for. I think you would benefit greatly from doing a planning page in your sketchbook with color. Not only will it help you visualize what your are saying, it could be used as a concentration piece in itself which I think you need since it is a bit esoteric in meaning. Print your excellent picture of Rainey and walk the viewer through your process with words and/or pictures that answer the questions: why she is posed that way, what you are going for.

    Classroom Ethics (10pts): On time, which is good because you can resubmit with tweaks. I like the direction you are going with this, its deep and people will relate to it when you spell it out for them.
